Sunday, January 13, 2008

The 4 Words

AA 12 steps seem to have some redundancy. (Don't freak on me you avid AA'rs) Thus John Baker's program has boiled them down to 8 principles. In a flash of inspiration I have boiled them down to 4 easier to remember words:


• One must step out of denial, face the music, stop running, admit there is a problem and one must stay in that brutal predicament of truth.

• One must come to a point that they stop trusting their failed thought process (the one that gets you sick and keeps you there.) And start trusting God and others.

• One also must surrender to that universal purpose in their life, and stop writing their own script.

• And as a result of this life long process/pursuit start caring for themselves and others equally.

Ever lived a lie? Ever felt there was no one you could trust not even God or yourself? Ever felt like giving up? ever said "I don't care"?


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are correct AA is redundent; but we hear the word over and over and live it. Praise the Lord and the two Christian founders of this group. I love the 4 words you shared, because that is truly AA. God Bless.

x said...

Thanks DD I am fond of them also, I am glad you appreciate them. There is a lot of controversy surrounding AA and the 12 Steps.

Many Christians take odds with the idea of "God As I know Him" or "Higher Power" and being "powerless over one's addiction or compulsive behavior".

Which I think is a great place to start some healthy dialogue. But not grounds for endless or draconian doctrinal arguments.

IMOHO The Church has way too many addiction problems to be espousing dogma and schooling the success of AA who has taken the lead in behavioral sciences so much as to gain the respect of today's psychology institutions.