Some great tools for breaking the cycle of pain are:
1) Take care of your self.
2) Do something.
3) Become aware of your "self talk" and and challenge the distortions.
4) Limit the depressive symptoms. Feel your feelings be aware of what is hurting you, but do not allow yourself to slide into a pit or "over focus" and obsess on the negative.
5) Refocus. Surrender your life, your relationships, your money, your possessions, your job- is a great place to start.
6) Socialize, being around others gives us hope strength and energy.
7) Sing, read psalms, pray seek the living God. (If you have faith-but maybe if you don't you should try it?)
Taken from a good little book by David Stoop PHD.
A recovery based blog. For sharing insights, networks, and information on learning to redo life, to create lasting inner personal change.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
"Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning. . ."
C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis
Monday, October 08, 2007
LOLcat Bible

Teh Holiez Bibul (The Holy Bible) LOLcat wiki.
LOLcats are Laugh Out Loud captions with poor hacker/text message style grammer attached to photos of cats. This site has used colaborative input to create a humourus adaptation of the Bible.
While many may see this as anathema or sacreligious and be offended. I have to point out that 1) Those who author this have to read it and understand it. 2) For some it may be the only time they actually absorb some of the ideas contained there in.
This quote from the gospel of Matthew chapter 14:
25. OK so iz liek teh nites and Jesus camez out, and he iz srsly wlking ontop teh waterz.
26. Teh dscpls sawed him and ar scured and tehy sayed "OMG haxx!"
27. But Jesus sez "Oh hai! Iz just me. lol."
28. "Hay dood," sez Peter, "I can comez ontop teh waterz plz?"
29. "Yah lol," sez Jesus. Peter comez ontop teh waterz and iz goes to Jesus.
30. But Peter sawed teh windz and he iz scured and he fallz in teh waterz and is liek "Halp!"
31. Jesus halps Peter and sez "U iz stoopid noob becuz u duznt beleev."
I love Jesus, I love the Bible, and I am entertained by the creativity and humor of this.
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