I snapped this at a local Mexican restaurant the other day. The table tent depicts a decadent dessert as as an alternative to highly priced counseling. (My convictions about the healing power of Mini Molten Chocolate Bunt cakes aside), we are in an era of DIY, where software and hardware allows one to be their own counselor. In some cases this is good. We could all assume responsibility for our well being and stop neglecting the multitude of resources so many others have not. However, we were not meant to do it alone. Christ surrounded himself with others and relied on them and they on He. Isolation and addiction go hand in hand.
Local development
iQuestions.com threatens to lower your therapy bill with free video advice. While I think perhaps some of the counseling is slightly underqualifed, hearing many peoples 'takes' on war torn issues is a great way to discover your own truth.
Note: They might want to reconsider the link that says "orgasm: coming soon!"
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