Monday, June 23, 2008

"X" Marks the Spot

I was at the reservoir after visiting my friends church, while I sat their praying I was listening on my iPod to Jeremy Riddle's song "Sweetly Broken". The mountain panorama and beautiful blue sky was marked only by two jet planes leaving plumes behind them.

At the precise moment the plumes crossed the song broke into this chorus:

"At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees, and I am
Lost for words, so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered

I was struck by the notion that so many who are sarcastic of Christianity, or a Christian God, just want a sign, it isn't that we don't want to believe we just don't know where to look. But yet he made a sign, I giant "X" marked in the center of the world, in the center of history. You cannot miss it if you look.

The symbol of the cross means love. What is more God chose to identify himself through a living person who left us both his teachings, and his spirit.

Perhaps, you still cannot reconcile religion as anything more then man's feeble attempt to explain that which he cannot. An evolutionary disposition towards the supernatural. But perhaps this is what you need to hear today: God's giant dotted upside down teardrop on Earth's Google map is in Israel on hill called Golgotha. X marks the spot. Start there if you are searching. I did.

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