I was asked to share my experience about the re:form conference recently held at my home fellowship Vineyard Boise.
The reform initiative is the result of a vision Pastor Tri Robison set out in a prospectus I received when being invited to help develop the web communications, which have been primarily headed by Centaur Media and Jason Chatraw a journalist recently assigned by donation to serve this venture.
After reading the prospectus I was moved and excited about the magnitude, truth, and bravery, only critical that media plan seemed a little light particularly in the area of broadcast radio. Later Emily Hopping invited me to volunteer and participate.
Re:form challenges the church to re:think it positions on environmentalism, human justice, and calls us to the advent:ure of action.
After leaving as Network Director for Freedom Radio (Edgewater Broadcasting) where my vision was for social justice in radio media recently, many of these issues have been heavy on my heart. I feel we the church could love more, sin less, and dance on the head of the serpent. Consequently, I have personally taken a challenge to start withe me.
I met people from Georgia, California, and Maryland all gathered not to grimly fulfill a solemn agenda, but to simply to learn and become aware. Not that these people were not focused or passionate. It just was not the militant hemp-fest one might expect. The gathering was well managed, well planned, open, and comfortable. Great food, worship, and a great experience. I was honored and privileged to participate.
The number one most important thing entering my head/heart space from the conference was this: It does not matter how poor you are, you do not have to wait to give to others. An example was shared about a church in a third world nation who collected pennies that totaled a $2 offering, afterwords supplies were purchased with this money to create a large vat of soup which was prepared and placed in the middle of the street, orphans and hungry children showed up in droves to receive the meager offering. Honestly as I write this I am homeless, penniless, and jobless (but not Godless.) and previously felt I had to wait to reach out to those in need. I now realize if I will open my heart, and be a vessel for God today, he will open the doors for me. I don't have to wait. $6 will provide a an ecologically sound and efficient cook stove. You know that $6 burger that sounds so good? What if you skipped it once and bought a cook stove for a family in extreme poverty? How about once a month?
The other important items I came away with were the fitting of puzzle pieces, how poor management of resources impacts communities, which in turn cause poverty and in turn create vulnerabilities that are exploited and end in human trafficking and slavery. That this system of brutality, can and is being overcome. I became painfully aware of the direct consequences of our nations voracious appetite for pornography and how that industry is driving trafficking internationally- and at home. As someone who confesses having viewed pornography, I can testify that the "Big lie" is that since it is all virtual or cyber with consenting adults there is no harm done. The truth is there is virtually no such thing as consenting (few if any, in her right mind, are going to pick sex slave as career focus.) and that every click and every dollar spent creates an economy that is fed by pimps and traffickers who prey on children and those made vulnerable by poverty. Sometimes when God instructs us we should just obey, because after we disobey and see what could have been avoided the regret is to grand. I can only hope for grace for the thousand millstones that should hang from my neck. But now I know, and so do you.
Consider become an abolitionist against slavery. Say No to exploitation and Yes to doing something about it.
It occurred to me today that the label "activist" might be the perfect 'front' for Christianity. Brandi Swindell shirks the label preferring 'Christian' and I agree, being marginalized as an opinionated fanatic with an agenda can't be good. But if the shoe fits... her outreach the Stanton Clinic provides help for women in crisis and she just returned from Beijing where she was arrested for praying for the mothers of forced abortion there in communist China during the Olympics. Or my friend Dennis Mansfield who started New Hope a business providing halfway homes for those out of prison. People standing in the gap for others, while reaching back to call others to action. That is what re:form is all about. Rob Morris (President Love146.org) pointed out that the only place in the Bible where God is shocked or surprised is when he looked across the face of the nations and found that no one was available to stand in the gap for justice mercy and humility.
Okay I know your touched, but the cynic in you begs the political questions. (Fair enough, when the most common placard at the Republican Convention were placards emblazoned with "DRILL".) Aren't liberals masquerading as 'reformers' to win votes? Likely. Aren't Conservatives joining in to win votes, likely. But there is no ideology behind love, it damns the bonds of agendas, illuminates the darkened schemes of mice and men, and in it's clarity gifts freedom to the oppressed.
Go ahead reach out to your community, your environment, your world, regardless of party affiliation, I think you will find the voices of partisan politics dip to a duller murmur. Do politics play a part in these issues of humanity? As Scott Sabin (Executive Director Floresta) pointed out; in some cases almost exclusively in some developing nations. While rising above the pettiness seems most often the high road, as pointed out by Jim Jewell (COO Evangelical Environmental Network), everyone I met at the conference struggles with the issues, but are reaching across the isle for the sake of good. Because that is just it- we have to stop waiting for politicians to do what we can do ourselves. Go ahead God made you to love. Reach.
On the subject of addressing political attitudes Peter Illyn (Director Restoring Eden) suggested the extremes; that some feel that mankind is the feted blemish upon this earth, and were we wiped out, nature would be healthy and restored, while other seethe earth as a machine to wait upon abusively until we go to heaven. Then, unexpectedly out of the news of death, sickness, and depravity, Peter focused on the most refreshing message of the week for me, which I leave you with; God's wonder; showing powerpoint slide after slide after slide, of animals, mountains, earth and sky. That was a simple sermon with magnitude and volume. The earth was given to enjoy. To laugh about, to puzzle and delight us, and fill us with awe and wonder. We are the people of this world and God made it good.
(Check out my micro blog for a constant stream of reform type content: reform.tumblr)
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