Part of my recovery has been to treat myself to the occasional movie. As a recovering codependent I previously would never go alone. I would have wanted to "enjoy it more" with someone else, or taken a non-believer as outreach. Truth was I had lost my sense of self, and what was real deep, was not good.
Another part of my recovery is to "do life differently". Low brow humor is not normally my forte. Movies like Dumb and Dumber just don't do much for me. I decided I could use a laugh. Remember what those were like? Well I I did get some good laughs. While there was plenty slapstick humor, campyness and lowbrow objectification of women and alcoholism, the premise was truly novel; 3 weekend warriors get activated and shipped off to Iraq, amongst protests of "We only do this on weekends" they are accidentally dropped in Mexico but think they are in Iraq. While the movie could have been much better and seemed to drag in a few spots one line stood out; one of the soldiers went awol to call his wife as "she liked him to check in regularly" and the local drug lord "Carlos Santanta" (no not "The") exclaims much to the agreement of his mob "Man, you need some boundaries."
It did have one of my favorite actors Keith David whom is memorable to me for his role in "Men At Work". Delta Farce also reminded me of our friends, family and fellow citizens known as our troops and their quest for freedom.
While the movie might be rated a C, I had a great time with me.
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